
The Inventory module is a Fixed module that serves as reporting module to check your inventory by using the various views provided as reports to check your inventory setups and manage your stock unit prices. Click on the module Menu to select:

  • Transactions View

  • Stock Check View

  • Price Update View

  • Detailed Ledger View

  • Setup View - Inventory

The goal of this module is to eliminate the use of custom Inventory / Stock reports which are notoriously error prone and difficult to support.

The Inventory module provides a global view of a company's stock holding. A record is displayed for each Inventory Item. eg. If an Item is kept in five locations, five records will be visible for that Item - one for each Location.

  1. Data filter - This allows you to specify the filter of the data by Date, Customer, Category, and Location.

  2. Active - This check box will filter on only Active Inventory Items.

  3. Detail - This section of the data grid shows Inventory detail, such as ID, Description, Code, Location, Unit, Date, Minimum Quantity, and Reorder Quantity. Drill-down functionality is provided to open the Item. The Bands can easily be removed or added to the grid by clicking on the * at the top left of the grid.

  4. Current - This section of the data grid shows the Current Inventory levels as at the previous day: In stock, Reserved, On Order, Available, and Unit Price.

  5. Start - This section of the data grid shows the In Stock Quantity and Unit Price at the start of the selected period (opening balance).

  6. End - This section of the data grid shows the In Stock Quantity and Unit Price at the end of the selected period (closing balance).

  7. Movement - This shows the Movement of Stock between Start and End, by Received, Issued, Stock Check, Total, and Value.

  8. Menu - Additional functionality is included in the Menu.

    • Reset Data Filter - This will reset the Data filter to default settings.

    • Rebuild - This function will recalculate the Inventory values for every stock item.

    • Default View - This is the view that opens by default when View is clicked and includes Current Inventory counts, Stock Checks and Stock Movement (screenshot above).

    • Stock Check View - This changes the Data Grid to reflect a Stock Check view, with Count, Variance and Gain/Loss. More here.

    • Price Update View - This changes the Data Grid to display the Price Update Data Grid and provides the functionality and actions to update Inventory Prices. More here.

    • Detailed Ledger View - This changes the Data Grid to display a Detailed Ledger view, with Opening Balance, and Debit / Credit values. More here.

    • Setup View - Inventory - This shows a list of all Transaction Types that affect Inventory, as well as all Transaction Types linked to Price Updates. More here.

    • Show Find Panel - This displays a panel that can be used to search for Items.

    • Show Filter Row - This will display the Filter Row in the Data Grid.

    • Export / Save / Restore Grid - Functionality is included to export to excel, save and restore the Data Grid.

Getting started

Access needs to be granted in Setup > Settings and Defaults > Staff Settings > Items & Inventory > Inventory Module - Access Allowed. Options include:

  • None - Access denied.

  • Read-only - User can view the Default View only

  • Full Access - Users can access the Price Update View

Inventory Enhancements

  • Inventory - Units - Functionality to have different units on Stock records for the same item has been removed - Inventory is now only displayed for the base unit.

  • Inventory - Stockcheck - The Stockcheck field on Items > Units has been removed. Stockcheck count records are now automatically created for each unit.

  • Average Stock Pricing - Functionality has been added to update Inventory by Location (Average Price) - see image below. When this option is selected, only the price linked to the Inventory location which is being transacted will be updated.

  • Inventory Module - Rebuild - Functionality to Menu > Rebuild has been added. This function will recalculate the Inventory values for every stock item.

  • Transaction Item Status - The Inventory calculation now also looks to see if the Item Status is in an Inventory status (Before only the Transaction Status was being considered). The Inventory Setting in Transaction Types > Status is now also visible when you filter on the Item Status - see image below:

By default, the Item Status is not set to an Inventory Status. Use the following SQL statement can be used to set the Item > Inventory Status = True. This is necessary to have the same inventory levels as before the upgrade:

update STATUS set STOCKID = 1 where HEADERID = 2;

commit work;