Price Lists Setup

Price Lists give you a central place to set all promotional prices, specials and adjustments. This module allows you to set special selling prices or adjustments (sales / bargain bins) for Items and Services which are linked to specified Customers or Customer Categories. These prices will be applied when items are added to a Sales Quote, Sales Order or to a Point of Sale (PoS) Order.

One or more Price Lists can be linked to a Customer and only apply to Selling Prices and, therefore, Transaction Types that use Selling Prices.

When you add an Item to a Transaction, active Price Lists that are linked to the Customer on the Transaction as well as to the Currency of the Transaction, will be queried. If a match is found, it will be used to override the standard Item Price and the default Adjustment.

If both an Adjustment and a Price has been located, then both will be applied.

What you'll find on this page:

  1. Creating a Price List

  2. Price Lists

  3. Ranking Order

  4. Validity - Unit & Currency


Main menu > Setup > Price Manager

1. Creating a Price List

  1. Add - This allows you to add new Price Lists.

  2. Description - This is the name of the Price List.

  3. Nickname - This is the short, unique name for the Price List that is used throughout the app.

  4. Currency - This specifies which currencies apply to this Price List.

  5. Adj % - This is where the adjustment percentage is set for the Price List.

  6. Prices - This shows how many Prices are linked to this Price List. This is an auto-updated field, for Reporting purposes.

  7. Customers - This shows how many Customers the Price List is linked to. This is an auto-updated field, for Reporting purposes.

  8. Active - This shows whether or not the Price List is in use.

2. Price Lists

To update the Item Prices on a Transaction, for instance when the Customer has been changed, use the Menu > Update Prices from Setups functions.

  1. Price List - This specifies what pricelist the record is linked to.

  2. Item Category - This specifies the Item Category.

  3. Item - This specifies which Item is selected. If the record applies to all Items then All can be selected.

  4. Unit - This shows the base Unit for the Item.

  5. Std. Price (exc) - This shows the Standard Price, excluding VAT.

  6. Std. Price (inc) - This shows the Standard Price, including VAT.

  7. Type - The different Types that can be used to create Price Lists are:

    • Adj % - Prices will be adjusted by a percentage (%).

    • Price - This option is used to set a Price and can only be used when a Category, Item and a Unit is selected. The Price can be including or excluding VAT and in different Currencies. The 'Currency' setting on the Price List header determines whether it can be used in any Transaction or only in Transactions with the same Currency.

    • Price by Qty - This option is used to set a price that will be valid for certain quantities only. The Qty > and > Qty fields set the applicable range of quantities. In other respects, it works the same as the 'Price' type. (This option is not applicable to Estimates)

    • Min Adj% - This type enables users to restrict the minimum adjustment (maximum discount) that may be applied to the selected Category, Item or Unit

  8. VAT Type - This specifies what VAT Type is used when adding the Price to a Transaction.

  9. Fixed Price - Fixed Prices can only be set when a specific Item or Service Item has been selected in the Type field.

  10. Unit Price - This specifies the Unit Price for the Price record.

  11. Adj % - This field is used as the markup on the Item's Cost Price. The default Adj% for a Price List can be set on the Price List record. This will be applied to new Prices that are added to the Price List. The Price will be rounded according to the Round setting on the Item from which the Price is updated. If the /Qty field does not match the /Qty field on the Cost/Sell record, the Price won't be updated

  12. Qty > - Quantity Greater Than - This sets the applicable range of quantities.

  13. > Qty - Less than Quantity - This sets the applicable range of quantities.

  14. Auto Update - Price Lists can be Auto-updated from an Item's Cost Price or from the Selling Price to ensure that existing markups are maintained when Costs change. This only applies to Prices where the Type = Price.

  15. Last updated - This shows the last time the Price was updated.


The utility to add Customers to Price Lists (See Menu > Link customers to Price Lists) has been enhanced with a Customer Category Filter. Both sides of the dual list will be filtered. See image below:

3. Ranking Order

Because there might be instances where duplicate prices exists for an item, a ranking order has been established against which the Price Manager is checked from highest to lowest as follows:

  1. Material/Service Item + Customer

  2. Material/Service Item + Customer Category

  3. Material/Service Category + Customer

  4. Material/Service Category + Customer Category

The highest ranking price is the one that will be applied.

4. Validity - Unit & Currency

Specials for Material Items will only apply when the item is sold in the same Unit against which the Special is loaded. If a Fixed Price is set, it will only be used if the currency of the Special matches the currency of the transaction.