Point of Sale

You can use BOSEnterprise as a Point of Sale application for both keyboard / mouse input, as well as for touch-enabled devices with a minimum screen width of 1,024 pixels (the screenshots below are 1024x720px).

What you'll find on this page:

  • Transactions Interface

  • Payment interface

  • Running transactions in Touch mode

The following screenshots illustrate the touch enabled PoS functionality:

Transactions Interface

  1. The back button that takes you to the list of active PoS transactions.

  2. The Output button is used to print or e-mail the invoice. See Templates for more on how to set up one-touch printing.

  3. The New button creates a new PoS transaction.

  4. The Pay button navigates to the Payment screen. If an amount is still outstanding, a new Receipt is created.

  5. The Add Items Panel is used to add items to the PoS transaction. Users click through Categories > Subcategories (If more than one exists) > Items. The Items grid displays the description, price as well as the quantity available in stock.

Payment interface

  1. The Clear button removes the payment items and resets the amount that is due.

  2. The amount that is due or to be added.

  3. Check the % checkbox if a percentage is to be added - eg. a 10% Tip.

  4. Click to select the payment type. These buttons are user-defined in Items.

  5. Indicates the Change that is due.

  6. Click the Done button to set the payment status to Complete (and read-only), allocate the receipt to the invoice and navigate back to the PoS transaction.

  7. Navigate back to the PoS transaction

Running transactions in Touch mode

Touch view

  • The font size has been increased from 8pt to 12pt on the following windows: Add Item Panels - Grids and Editors

  • The grid height has been increased from 29 - 40pix

  • The Main Menu is now hidden in Touch view

  • Pay > Done - When the done button is clicked after loading a payment, users are returned to the POS module and the completed transaction is closed. (Before you were returned to the completed transaction)