Price Update View

The Inventory module is a reporting module that can be used to check your inventory (using several views). The Price Update view provides functionality and actions to update Inventory Prices.


Inventory > Menu > Price Update View

  1. Search - This shows your active filters (in this image, Active, as the Active check box is checked) as well as allows you to search on any text or number.

  2. Customer - This allows you to sort Inventory records by Customer.

  3. Category - This allows you to sort Inventory records by Item Category.

  4. Location - This allows you to sort Inventory records by a Location.

  5. Active - This allows you to sort Inventory records by Status Active, or dormant.

  6. Description - This shows the Item Description.

  7. Code - This shows the Item's code.

  8. Category - This shows the Item Category.

  9. Location - This shows the Location of the Item.

  10. Unit - This shows what Unit the Item is listed as.

  11. Min Qty - This shows the minimum quantity that the Supplier will accept for re-orders.

  12. Reorder Qty - This is the default reorder amount that can be set at Item-level, and will auto-populate the Purchase Order. It can be overwritten at Purchase Order level.

  13. In Stock - This shows how many units of this Item are in stock.

  14. Last PO Price - This shows the last Purchase Order price for this Item.

  15. Cost Price - This shows the listed Cost Price for the Item.

  16. Var (SP - CP) - This shows the variance between Stock Price and Cost Price.

  17. Stock Price - This indicates the average Stock Price.

  18. Set Cost Price = Last PO Price - This allows you to set the Cost Price to be the same as the last Purchase Order Price.

  19. Set Stock Price = Last PO Price - This allows you to set the Stock Price to be the same as the last Purchase Order Price.

  20. Set Stock Price = Cost Price - This allows you to set the Stock Price to be the same as the Cost Price.