User Defined Fields

User-defined fields allow you to add custom fields to supplement the standard fields you would find in Customers, Customer Contacts, Suppliers, Supplier Contacts, Staff and Items.

The data stored in these fields can improve Reporting and CRM.


Main Menu > Setup > User-defined Fields

1. Class - This is where you can select which Class, or Workflow (eg Enquiry), that is linked to the User-defined Fields. This means that these User Defined Fields will only be visible in this selected Class or Workflow.

2. Name - This is where the name of the User-defined field is entered. The Name should be uppercase and with no spaces.

3. Caption - This is the name or label that is displayed in the module.

4. Editor - This specifies what type of User Defined Field is being created.

    • Checkbox - This determines if this field can be selected or not.

    • ComboBox (Fixed list) - This creates a lookup control with a fixed list - ie. values can only be selected from the lookup list

    • ComboBox (Editable) - This creates a lookup control with an optional list - ie. users can select values from the lookup list or type their own values.

    • Customer - This loads a drop down list of all Customers in the system.

    • Date - This gives the field a Date format.

    • Filename - This provides a field that allows you to Load and to Open files found on their local drives.

    • Group Header - This allows the Caption to appear as a heading.

    • Image (.jpg) - This ensures the field is set to upload and store images.

    • Memo - This is a text field for you to enter long text content.

    • Number - This is a numeric field and will only receive numbers as input.

    • Supplier - This loads a drop down list of all Suppliers listed on the system.

    • Text - This provides a single text field for entering short text content.

    • Time - This provides a field that is in a time format.

    • Timestamp - This provides a field that provides timestamp functionality - ie. the Date and Time can be set.

5. Lookup List - This specifies what the content is for a lookup list if it is required for that field.

6. Layout - This determines if the field will appear Left, Centre or Right on the screen.

    • Layout: Right - Functionality has been added to display fields to the right of the preceding field. See image below:

    • Editor: Caption - A new Editor named Caption has been added. With the Layout: Right option. This allows you to display user-fields in a tabular format. See image below:

7. Width - This is to determine the width of the field.

8. Order - This is to determine the placement or order of the fields and will move the field up or down.


  • Insert - You are now able to right-click and insert a user-defined field (Before you had to add a new field and move it up to the required position.

  • Splitter - A Splitter is now added between the columns to allow resizing at runtime.

  • A General Setting > Items & Inventory > Max User-defined Fields in Edit Window has been added. This setting can be used to restrict the number of User-defined fields that is displayed in the edit window.

  • Items > Menu > View/Edit User-defined fields - Functionality has been added to display user-defined fields in a separate fullscreen display. This is ideal when many user-defined fields are linked to an Item.