Costing Transaction Type

Costing can be defined as a system of computing the cost and method of production by allocating various expenditures to different operations in the manufacturing process. In BOSEnterprise, Costings are done using Estimates linked to a specific transaction type.

This topic covers how to setup a Costing Transaction Type.

All of these fields and tabs are explained in detail in the Transaction Type topic, here.

What you'll find on this page

  • Start here

  • Transaction Types

  • Copy Rules

  • Templates

  • Final step

Start here

  1. Navigate to Setup > Transaction Types > Edit.

  2. Click Add. A new record will appear at the bottom of the screen. You will note that some fields are auto-populated already.


If a tab is not discussed on this topic, it is because no changes are required during the setup of this Transaction Type.

Transaction Types

The defaults for Transaction Types only require a small amount of change. The only fields to change are:

  1. Description - Enter 'Costing'.

  2. Code - Enter 'COST'. This is the 'nickname' of the Transaction Type.

  3. Estimating - Select 'Component, Material, Services' based on what the business will estimate on. More here.

Copy Rules

These are dependent on the other Transaction Types that need to be linked to Costing transaction. For a more in-depth explanation of Copy Rules, click here.

  • Costing to Costing - This allows you to copy a previously made costing to a new costing instead of creating a new costing from scratch.

  • Costing to RFQ - This allows you to create a RFQ transaction linked to the Costing transaction.

  • Costing to Quotations - This allows you to create a Quotation transaction linked to the Costing transaction.


A template can be setup for Costings. More on Templates here.

Here is an example of a Cost Sheet.

Final step

Navigate to Setup > Settings and Defaults > General Settings > Items & Inventory.

Item Costings - Transaction Type - Select 'Costing'.