Custom Fields

This topic describes how you can customise the Transaction Reference field, Due Date field and Item Entity Field. You will also find how to setup Custom fields for a Transaction. The Reference, Item Entity and Custom fields are also displayed in the Ledger.


Main Menu > Setup > Transaction Types > Custom Fields

  1. Transaction - This is the list of Transactions.

  2. Reference - This is where you can add a caption and a lookup list for the Transaction's Reference field.

    • Caption - The Caption for the Reference field can be user-defined. If the caption is blank, it will default to Reference.

    • Lookup - A Lookup list can also be added for the Reference field. The lookup list is not fixed, users are able to type the Reference or select an item from the lookup list to populate the Reference.

  3. Text Field 1 - 3 - Three custom text fields can be defined for each Transaction.

    • Caption - This is the label or name of the Text Field.

    • Position - This determines the position of the Text Field on the Transaction and can be Left, Right, Centre or Hide.

    • Lookup - The lookup list is an optional list - ie. users are able to type into the field even when a lookup list has been added.

  4. Captions - Due Date - In addition to the three Custom fields, a Caption can also be defined for the Due Date field. If the Caption is blank, the Due Date field won't be displayed.

  5. Item Entity - This defines the Caption, Position and Category Filter of the Item Entity field on the Transaction.