Chusquea galeottiana
Chusquea galeottiana Rupr. ex Munro, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 26 (1), 1868: 59.
Distribution: THAILAND: Introduced, but there is no known record of whether this species has been successfully kept in cultivation in Thailand. — MEXICO: Oaxaca and Guerrero, native, from mixed deciduous mountain forests at 1,500–2,700 m altitude.
Description: KewScience POWO [#1305].
Images: Photos in [#1340].
Seed viability: Unknown, viability is assumed to last at least several months.
Specimen: BS-0838 [-] (living plants), raised from seeds; the seeds from cultivated plants in Veracruz, Mexico. Seeds received from R. M. O. as "Chusquea galeottiana", 11 July 2015.
Seed weight: 0.1 g ≈ 70 dried spikelets (husk-wrapped seeds).
Seed germination: 38 seeds were laid on moistened tissue paper, 12 July 2015, atmospheric humidity >70%, seeds did not germinate.
Chusquea galeottiana (BS-0838): Seeds
Specimen: BS-0780 [SSG] (living plants), raised from seeds; the seeds from cultivated plants in New Zealand, received as "Chusquea galeottiana", 19 Oct. 2013.
Seed weight: 10 g ≈ 800–850 dried spikelets (husk-wrapped seeds).
Seed germination: 20 seeds were laid on moistened tissue paper, 20 Oct. 2013, night/day temperature range 18–28 °C, diffuse light, atmospheric humidity >70%, the first coleoptiles emerged after 6 days, 80% of the seeds germinated by 5 Nov. 2013.
Comments: Some seedlings were planted out at Bambusetum Baan Sammi, but they died for no apparent reason. All other seedlings were distributed in northern Thailand, but the current locations of the cultivated plants are unknown.
Chusquea galeottiana (BS-0780): Seeds
Chusquea galeottiana (BS-0780): Germinating seed, 8th day
Chusquea galeottiana (BS-0780): Seedlings, 39th day