Chusquea mulleri

Chusquea mulleri Munro, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 26 (1), 1868: 65.

    • Synonyms: Chusquea carinata E. Fourn. ex Hemsl. in Godman & Salvin, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Bot. 3, 1885: 587; Chusquea mexicana Hack., Ann. K. K. Naturhist. Hofmus. 17, 1902: 256.

    • Distribution: MEXICO: Veracruz.

    • Description: KewScience Plants of the World Online.

    • Specimen: BS-0801 [-] (living plants), raised from seeds received from Veracruz, Mexico. The seeds were collected by R. M. O. as "Chusquea mulleri" in June 2014, and received on 24 July 2014.

    • Seed viability: Unknown.

    • Seed weight: Not recorded.

    • Seed germination: 2 of 6 seeds germinated on the 19th day (test 140724). Seedlings died within a few weeks for no apparent reason.

Chusquea mulleri (BS-0801): Seed containing spikelets (left), seedling, 45th day (right)