3.6 — Map

Map of Bambusetum Baan Sammi

Map of zones in Bambusetum Baan Sammi
C = Central, E = East, N = North, S = South, W = West

The bambusetum extends over the entire property of Baan Sammi. Numerous species were planted over time; many of them will be transplanted to their new home in Nakhon Pathom Province in the 2020s. To locate each of the bamboo species planted on the grounds of Bambusetum Baan Sammi, the area was divided into five main zones (Central, North, East, South, and West) and several subzones (in ordinal numbers), as shown in the map above. Each single bamboo plant in the Bambusetum is labeled. The only relevant information on the label is the specimen accession number, e.g., "078", an abbreviation for "BS-0078". The full number is given in the List of Bamboos, but the plant labels usually omit "BS-0". With the full number, you can get access to the botanical name of the bamboo species (e.g., BS-0078 = Gigantochloa serik Widjaja), and with the name of the species, you have access to all other information about this particular bamboo (e.g., distribution, uses, size, and other characteristics).