Dendrocalamus brandisii
Dendrocalamus brandisii (Munro) Kurz, Prelim. Rep. For. Veg. Pegu, App. B., 1875: 94; Forest Fl. Burma ii, 1877: 560.
Synonym: Bambusa brandisii Munro, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 26 (1), 1868: 109.
Thai names: ไผ่บงใหญ่ (phai bong yai) (Kanchanaburi); บ้อง (bong) (Shan: Mae Hong Son); ปุ๊ก (puk) (Shan); ไผ่ซางเย็น (phai sang yen) (Chiang Mai); ไผ่ตงป่า (phai tong pa); ไผ่หก (phai hok); วะครุ (wa-khru) (Karen); ว่าเกลือ (wa-kluea), ว่าคลึโพ (wa-khlue-pho) (Karen: Mae Hong Son); วาโต้งเตียง (wa-tong-tiang) (Karen: Kanchanaburi). — T. Smitinand, 2001 [#1003]; BKF [#1368].
Chinese name: 勃氏甜龙竹 (bó shì tián lóng zhú).
English names: Velvet Leaf Bamboo, Sweet Dragon Bamboo.
Distribution: THAILAND: native, North, West, northern Central, South, and occasionally North-East, at 90–1,200 m altitude in evergreen forest and moist upper mixed deciduous forest. — MYANMAR, native. — LAOS, native. — VIETNAM (North). — CHINA (South). — INDIA (North-East), in cultivation. — N. Bystriakova & al., Bamboo Biodiversity, 2003: map 22 [#1342].
Culm size: Height 19–33 m, diameter 13–20 cm.
(1) "A very large evergreen tufted bamboo. Culms ashy-gray to greenish-gray, 19-33 m high and 13-20 cm diameter; nodes slightly swollen, lower ones with rootlets; internodes 30-38 cm long. Culm-sheaths up to 60 cm long, 30-35 cm broad, thick, leathery with white pubescence on the back, otherwise smooth, rounded and depressed at the top; ligule 1-2 cm high, deeply lacerate; auricles small, plaited; blade 15-46 cm long, 8-13 cm broad, linear-lanceolate, recurved, appressed-hairy within, base rounded. Young shoots dark-gray, blade dark-brown. Leaves 20-30 cm long and 2.5-5 cm broad, oblong-lanceolate, glabrous petiole; leaf-sheath striate, pubescent when young with long deciduous ciliae at mouth; ligule long, fimbriate. …" — K. K. Seethalakshmi & al., Bamboos of India, 1998: p. 100 [#1062].
(2) "Culms 10–15 m, 10–12 cm in diam.; internodes 34–43 cm; wall ca. 3 cm thick. Branches several, dominant branches well developed. Culm sheaths deciduous, orange-brown to bright yellow, leathery; auricles small; ligule ca. 1 mm, margin deeply dentate; blade reflexed or nearly erect. Leaf sheaths white hairy; ligule 1.5–2 mm; blade variable, 23–30 × 2.5–5 cm. …" — Flora of China [#1303].
(3) "… Culms … slightly branched below, more so above …; internodes 12 to 15 in. [30-38 cm] long, walls thick. Culm-sheaths like those of D. giganteus, thick, coriaceous, up to 2 ft. [61 cm] long, 12 to 14 in. [30-35 cm] broad …; imperfect blade [culm-sheath blade] … rounded at the base and again decurrent on the sheath in small plaited auricles which do not reach its edge; ligule ·5 to ·7 in. [12-18 mm] broad, deeply lacerate. … Leaves oblong-lanceolate, 9 to 12 in. [22-30 cm] long, 1 to 2 in. [2.5-5 cm] broad, somewhat narrowed at the base and decurrent on a short wrinkled petiole; ending above in a subulate twisted point; glabrous above, softly hairy beneath; main vein thick, shining, secondary veins 10 to 12, intermediate about 6, the pellucid glands forming apparently transverse veinlets; leaf-sheaths striate, pubescent when young, ending in a large glabrous callus, and produced at the mouth where furnished with few long deciduous ciliæ; ligule long, conspicuous in young branches, acuminate, fimbriate especially on one side, in older ones truncate. … This splendid bamboo is often confused with the somewhat similar D. giganteus and, like it, is sometimes called Wabo (Burmese). … It is easily recognized from D. giganteus by the much smaller spikelets, and culms which, though not so large in diameter, have thicker walls. The culm-sheaths are very similar. It so much resembles D. flagellifer [conspecific with, and relegated into synonymy of D. asper] …" — J. S. Gamble, Bambuseae Brit. India, 1896: p. 90 [#1230].
(4) "… caespitose. Rhizomes short; pachymorph. Culms erect; 1900–3300 cm long; 130–200 mm diam.; woody; with aerial roots from the nodes. Culm-internodes terete; with small lumen; 30–38 cm long; grey. Lateral branches dendroid. Buds or branches present on lower quarter of culm. Culm-sheaths 40–60 cm long; 2 times as long as wide; coriaceous; pubescent; with white hairs; concave at apex; auriculate. Culm-sheath ligule 10–20 mm high; lacerate. Culm-sheath blade lanceolate; reflexed; 15–46 cm long; 80–130 mm wide; pubescent. Leaf-sheaths striately veined; pubescent. Leaf-sheath oral hairs scanty; deciduous. Ligule a ciliate membrane. Leaf-blade base with a brief petiole-like connection to sheath. Leaf-blades lanceolate, or oblong; 20–30 cm long; 25–50 mm wide. Leaf-blade venation with 10–12 secondary veins. Leaf-blade surface pubescent; hairy abaxially. Leaf-blade apex acuminate … [flowers and seeds described] …" — Kew GrassBase [#1335].
(5) "Loosely tufted, sympodial bamboo. Culm erect with pendulous tip, up to 30 m tall, diameter 15–20 cm at base, wall 2.5–4 cm thick, ashy-grey or greenish-grey to dull green, dirty yellowish-grey tomentose when young; internodes 30–60 cm long, sometimes sulcate, with a shiny brown pubescent transverse band below and above the nodes; nodes slightly swollen, supranodal lines distinct, with aerial roots on lower half of culm. Branches usually arising from upper mid-culm part, lower half usually more or less branchless but with a tuft of slender branches near the base; primary branches dominant, secondary branches slender. Culm sheath 40–60 cm × 20–35 cm, longer than internodes, elongate, rounded at top, whitish-brown, thick, leathery, early deciduous, covered with black hairs when young; blade lanceolate to long acuminate, 15–46 cm × 8–13 cm, reflexed, deciduous, appressed hairy within; ligule continuous with the sheath top, 1–2 cm long, deeply lacerate; auricles not reaching the edge of the sheath, up to 2 cm long, slightly pleated, bearing bristles. Young shoots conical, sheaths covered with shiny black hairs, blades reflexed. Leaf blade oblong-lanceolate, 20–30 cm × 2.5–5 cm, upper surface pale green and glabrous, lower surface slightly whitish and sparsely pubescent; sheath striate, pubescent when young, with long deciduous cilia at mouth; ligule long, acuminate, fimbriate. … [flowers and seeds described]." — M. K. Alam in S. Dransfield & E. A. Widjaja (eds.), Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 7, Bamboos, 1995: p. 83-85, fig. [#1226].
Dendrocalamus brandisii: The outline shape of the apex of a culm-leaf sheath with auricles and blade, redrawn based on the line drawing in M. K. Alam in S. Dransfield & E. A. Widjaja (eds.), Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 7, Bamboos, 1995: fig. on p. 83 [#1226]
Images: Line drawing in J. S. Gamble, Bambuseae Brit. India, 1896: pl. 79 [#1230]. Flora of China [#1303]. Line drawing and photos in K. K. Seethalakshmi & al., Bamboos of India, 1998: p. 100-101 [#1062]. Photos in (shoot, culm sheath) [#1340]; photo in Y. M. Yang & al., 1998: fig. 6 (shoot) [#1213].
Uses: Shoots for food; culms for construction and pulp, furniture, baskets, handicrafts.
Cultivation requirements: The species prefers soil with good moisture and high atmospheric humidity.
Flowering cycle: Unknown; a cycle of 45–50 years for gregarious flowering was reported from India. Sporadic flowering is known to occur frequently [#1226].
Seed weight: ≈20,000 seeds/kg → ≈20 seeds/g [#1302].
Seed viability: about 3 months under normal atmospheric conditions; about 1–2 years under storage at 1-6 °C and low humidity.
(1) In Bamboos of India (l.c., 1998: p. 100-101 [#1062]), there is a contradiction in the description of young shoots and the photographic image. Young shoots are described as "dark-gray, blade dark-brown", whereas the photo shows purplish to violet culm sheaths of the shoots, with dark blades.
(2) In the descriptions of Bamboos of India [#1062] (which closely follows Gamble, 1896 [#1230]) and Flora of China [#1303], there is a striking difference in the size of the culm sheath ligule (12-18 mm vs. 1 mm), which gives rise to doubts about whether the same species was described, or whether the length unit (mm, in Flora of China, perhaps in error for cm) was adopted properly.
Specimen: BS-0420 [BBG] (living plants), Mae Hong Son, wild, raised from seeds, 8 Mar. 2010.
Characteristics: Culm-leaf much shorter than the internode, about half as long as the internode in immature plants. Culm-leaf ligule high, fringed.
Comments: The identification as Dendrocalamus brandisii has not yet been confirmed.
Specimen: BS-0584 [BBG] (living plant), เขาแดง, Khao Daeng ["Khao Dang"], อำเภอ สะบ้าย้อย, Saba Yoi District, Songkhla, southern Thailand, cult., coll. C.S. #3056A, received as "Dendrocalamus brandisii", June 2010.
Characteristics: Culm-leaf sheath covered with brown hairs, not white hairs. — Culm height and other characteristics have not been recorded.
Cultivation requirements: Grows well in full sun or part shade, soil normal moisture-retentive with good drainage.
Comments: The identification as Dendrocalamus brandisii has not yet been confirmed.
"Dendrocalamus brandisii" from Songkhla (BS-0584)
Specimen: BS-0608 (culm leaves), บ้านป่าแป๋ (Ban Pa Pae), อ. แม่แตง (Mae Taeng District), Chiang Mai, from cultivated plants as "ไผ่ซางเย็น" (phai sang yen), coll. D. O., 5 Dec. 2010.
Characteristics: Culm height over 10 m. Culm-internodes thick-walled. Culm-leaves deciduous. Culm-leaf sheaths with scattered hairs, apex narrowly truncate. Culm-leaf auricles small, waved, rim-like. Culm-leaf ligule long, lacerate. Culm-leaf blade erect or patent, narrow-triangular to lanceolate, small.
Cultivation requirements: Grows well in full sun or part shade, soil normal moisture-retentive with good drainage.
Comments: A species of Dendrocalamus. The culm sheath is similar to Dendrocalamus brandisii.
Specimen: BS-0461 [C8] (living plant), introduced from the USA on 1 June 2010, as "D91", of unrecorded origin, assumed to be a seedling of Dendrocalamus brandisii, raised in the USA or Australia from seeds.
Characteristics: Young shoots emerge from May to August. Culm-leaves deciduous. Culm-leaf sheaths 50–60 cm wide at the base, 40–45 cm long, a little longer than the internode, coriaceous, whitish (from thin farina?) with an ocher or orange or yellowish tint when young, straw-colored when dry, whitish tomentose when young; margins short pale ciliate when young; the apex rounded, with the middle part slightly concave-depressed. Culm-leaf auricles low-waved and twisted rims, extending from the blade base along the sheath margin, about 4 cm long and 0.3 cm high, densely vested by irregular fringe hairs to 5 (10) mm long. Culm-leaf ligule 3–5 mm high, broader than blade base, fringed, fringes of the middle part caducous with denticulate remains, fringes of the outer part persistent, brown when young. Culm-leaf blades thickly papery, persistent or late caducous, erect; long-triangular, 6–7 cm at base, about 20 cm long, dark colored when young, adaxially densely hairy near the base, abaxially short-hairy; apex long pointed; margins convolute.
(1) Although not all vegetative characteristics could be checked, the main characteristics of internode, node, and culm-leaf match well with the descriptions of Dendrocalamus brandisii.
(2) The eight-year-old plant has reached a culm diameter of 15 cm, with a basal diameter of 25 cm.
Specimen: BS-0661 [BBG] (living plants), raised from seeds, the seeds from FMXG, Yunnan, China, as "Dendrocalamus brandisii, 云南甜龙竹 (yún nán tián lóng zhú)", collected Apr. 2011, received in May 2011.
Seed weight: 10 g ≈ 450–520 dried spikelets (husk-wrapped seeds).
Seed germination: Seed placed in moistened coir dust at 100%, in June 2011, atmospheric humidity >70%, coleoptiles emerged after 6 days, germination rate low (<40%).
Comments: This is a species of Dendrocalamus, but species identification as Dendrocalamus brandisii has not yet been confirmed.
Dendrocalamus brandisii (BS-0661): Seeds, collected April 2011 (left), young seedlings on coir dust, June 2011 (right)
Dendrocalamus brandisii (BS-0661): Seed germinating after 15 months of cool storage, 20 July 2012
Specimen: BS-0935 [-] = BT136 [BBG], (living plants), raised from seeds received by ธ. บ. as "Dendrocalamus giganteus" from Myanmar in Jan. 2018, one seedling (BS-0935) received from ธ. บ. 21 Sep. 2018.
(1) The species is certainly not Dendrocalamus giganteus.
(2) Although the 20 months old seedling (BS-0935) is still in a juvenile state, the characteristics of culm-leaves and foliage-leaves indicate Dendrocalamus brandisii, except for the leaf size, which is quite bigger in BS-0935, up to 43 × 11.5 cm.
(3) BS-0935 has proven to be extremely sensitive to sunlight and reduced moisture in the soil, at least in its current juvenile stage. These are features that are not attributed to Dendrocalamus brandisii.
Specimens: BS-0340 [BBG] (living plant), from Mr. Sombat (Sombut Bamboo), Suan Phai Pho Phiang สวนไผ่พอเพียง, Kanchanaburi, western Thailand, cult., received as "ไผ่หก (phai hok)", 28 Nov. 2009; BS-0340-1 [BBG] (living plant), from the same source, received as ไผ่หกใหญ่ (phai hok yai), 21 Mar. 2011.
Characteristics: Rhizome pachymorph. Culms erect. Young shoots emerge from April to September. Culm-internodes 35–40 cm long, covered with white fuzz when young, rough when old, moderately thick-walled. Culm-nodes with aerial roots on the basal culm. Branches several, the central one dominant, 2 side branches subdominant; branching intravaginal. Culm-leaves deciduous. Culm-leaf sheath covered with appressed pale caducous hairs when young; apex rounded; margins pale ciliate when young. Culm-leaf auricles rim-like, low; oral setae few, pale. Culm-leaf ligule long, lacerate. Culm-leaf blade horizontally patent to reflexed. Foliage-leaves 6–8 per branchlet. Foliage-leaf sheath pale-hirsute when young, glabrous when old. Foliage-leaf auricles inconspicuous; oral setae few, long, pale. Foliage-leaf ligule long. Foliage-leaf blades 22–42 × 3–6.5 cm, glabrous and dark green above, puberulous beneath; base rounded to cuneate; apex acuminate; margins antrorsely scabrous; midrib prominent; pseudopetiole 2 mm long.
Comments: Many, but not all, of the characteristics of the young specimens, BS-0340 and BS-0340-1 match Dendrocalamus brandisii, so identification of these specimens as Dendrocalamus brandisii remained unconfirmed. Since the plants have left Bambusetum Baan Sammi, they could not be re-examined.
Dendrocalamus brandisii 'Black'
Thai name: no known records.
Distribution: THAILAND, in cultivation, from Australia, was introduced from Australia to Thailand in 2009.
Images: Photos in BambooLand (culms, habit), (culms, habit).
Specimen: BS-0498 [SSG] (living plant).
Characteristics: Culm-internodes blackish-green.
Uses: As an ornamental plant, for landscaping; shoots for food; culms for construction.
Comments: The identification of this cultivated variety as Dendrocalamus brandisii has not yet been confirmed.