Bambusa burmanica

Bambusa burmanica Gamble, Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) 7, 1896: 35.

Bambusa cf. burmanica Gamble

One year old seedling of Bambusa cf. burmanica (BS-0201A)

The branching pattern of a single culm node, the branches developed from 2 separate buds (BS-0203): View from 4 different positions, from left to right.

Bambusa cf. burmanica (BS-0203, top): Flowering branch

Bambusa cf. burmanica (BS-0203A, bottom): Seedling with seed still attached, the seed 2 mm long

Bamboo Culm Wall Thicknes...‎‎‎‎(Bambusa burmanica)‎‎‎‎
Number of Branch Buds on ...nica, teratological form)

The upper part of a culm-leaf of BS-0031-1: abaxial surface (left), adaxial surface (center); an old clump of BS-0031-1, with one new shoot (right)

"ไผ่บงป่า (phai bong pa)" (HHK-003)