
Schizostachyum Nees, 1829; emend. K. M. Wong in W. L. Goh & al., 2020: 116 [#1309].

  • Type: Schizostachyum blumei Nees, 1829

  • Synonyms: Dendrochloa C. E. Parkinson, 1933; type: Dendrochloa distans C. E. Parkinson; Neohouzeaua A. Camus, 1922; type: Neohouzeaua mekongensis A. Camus; Teinostachyum Munro, 1868; type: Teinostachyum griffithii.

  • Suprageneric classification: subtribe Melocanninae Benth., 1881; tribe Bambuseae Kunth ex Dumort., 1829; subfamily Bambusoideae Luerss., 1893; family Poaceae Barnhart, 1895 (nom. alt.: Gramineae Juss., 1789); superorder Lilianae Takht., 1967; order Poales Small, 1903. — Soreng & al., 2017 [#1252b]. — M. Y. Zhou & al., 2022 [#1373].

  • Distribution: N. Bystriakova & al., Bamboo Biodiversity, 2003: map 8 [#1342]

  • References: J. F. Veldkamp & al., Poaceae (Gramineae), in: Flora of Singapore, Vol. 7, 2019: 247 [#1283]; W. L. Goh & al., The phylogenetic position and taxonomic status of the Southeast and South Asian bamboo genera Neohouzeaua and Ochlandra (Poaceae: Bambusoideae), Phytotaxa 472 (2), 2020: 107-122 [#1309].