Gigantochloa poilanei

Gigantochloa poilanei (A. Camus) T. Q. Nguyen, Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 75 (2), 1990: 224.

    • Synonyms: Oxytenanthera poilanei A. Camus, Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 27, 1921: 455; Pseudoxytenanthera poilanei (A. Camus) T. Q. Nguyen, Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 76 (7), 1991: 993.

    • Thai names: no known records.

    • Distribution: THAILAND (North): Lampang Province: งาว Ngao District, in mixed deciduous forest, at 350 m altitude (Kew Herbarium [#1333]). — VIETNAM.

    • Culm size: Height 5–8 m, diameter not recorded.

    • Description: "… caespitose. Rhizomes short; pachymorph. Culms erect; 500–800 cm long; woody. Culm-internodes terete; hollow; 30 cm long. Lateral branches dendroid. Leaf-sheaths glabrous on surface. Ligule an eciliate membrane. Collar with external ligule. Leaf-blade base with a brief petiole-like connection to sheath. Leaf-blades lanceolate, or oblong; 15–20 cm long; 15–22 mm wide. Leaf-blade venation with 12–16 secondary veins. Leaf-blade margins scabrous. Leaf-blade apex acuminate … [flowers and seeds described]." — Kew GrassBase [#1335].