0.5 — Access to the Photo Collection

The separate, herein-linked version of the Photo Collection is briefly described in Chapter 0.4, Introduction

The original photo collection consists of image files in the original resolution. It contains approximately 25,000 image files totaling over 65 GB in more than 900 file folders (as of 8 Dec. 2020). 

The image files intended for publication were selected from that original photo collection. More than 14,000 image files were selected, comprising a total of approx. 50 GB in 665 file folders. All photos of a specific specimen (not species) are combined into one file folder. Hence, the available photo collection contains approximately 14,000 photos of 665 specimens (as of 8 Dec. 2020). 

It has been intended to limit the number of bytes per image to a maximum to find a balance between a high image resolution, practical storage requirements, and fast online access. The photographs integrated into the online draft version of Bamboos of Thailand usually do not have an image width greater than 500 to 1,000 pixels, resulting in a size of approximately 50–500 kB per image (approximately 820 images with 0.5 GB in total). The photographs in the separate Photo Collection have a better resolution with a maximum image width of 1,900 pixels. 

With an online version of Bamboos of Thailand, direct access to the individual photos would be possible via links. However, if Bamboos of Thailand is published in printed form, the Photo Collection will most likely be stored on an SD card, which will then be attached to the printed version.

Notes for people and institutions who have released or want to release photos for publication in Bamboos of Thailand.

The photo collection for Bamboos of Thailand includes photos with copyright. This right applies to the photos embedded in the text (photos without watermarks) as well as to the photos of the separate photo collection accessible via links (photos with watermarks). The image resolution of these photos is limited to a maximum side length of 1,900 pixels. 

Most photos were taken and made available by Khun Dieter; all other photos were kindly made available by various people and institutions. These individuals and institutions are herewith requested to check whether the photos they have provided for Bamboos of Thailand are presented satisfactorily in Bamboos of Thailand. If this is the case, no feedback is required. If this is not the case, I ask for notification and, in particular, instructions on the options mentioned below. 

All photos integrated with the text that are not Khun Dieter's own photos contain a reference in the image title. Changes to the text can be made on request. If desired, a photo can be provided with a watermark; the text and layout of the watermark are largely selectable, and suggestions are requested. If required, a photo can be removed entirely. 

All photos in the separate photo collection are provided with a watermark in the image at the bottom right with the text "Bamboos of Thailand". If desired, this watermark can be removed, and the image can be provided with a different watermark as mentioned above. As an alternative or in addition, a short description of the photo may be included. If required, a photo can be removed entirely.

Contact: khundieterth@gmail.com