Dendrocalamus tibeticus

Dendrocalamus tibeticus Hsueh & T. P. Yi, J. Bamboo Res. 2 (1), 1983: 31.

Culms and emerging shoot of Dendrocalamus tibeticus — by courtesy of Lihua Jiang, Yunnan Bamboo, China

Dendrocalamus tibeticus (BS-0620), young culm, from left to right: Section of the basal culm from 0.5 m above the ground, showing velvety indument and nodes with aerial roots; section of the lower culm from ca. 1.5 m above the ground, showing farinose green internodes and an unbranched node; section of the mid-culm at ca. 6 m above the ground, showing a velvety node, a thinly farinose yellowish green culm-leaf sheath with dark brown ciliate margins, a small part of a farinose internode and a reflexed light green blade; section of the mid-culm, showing a node with a brown velvety ring above a farinose internode, the upper part of a culm-leaf with sheath apex, an inconspicuous blackish rim-like auricle, a tall lacerate ligule, and the base of a reflexed blade

Dendrocalamus tibeticus (BS-0620): Seeds

Dendrocalamus tibeticus (BS-0620): Young seedlings