Gigantochloa wrayi

Gigantochloa wrayi Gamble, Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) 7, 1896: 64.

Gigantochloa wrayi — old generation

Gigantochloa wrayi (BS-0303): Young shoot with culm-leaf, showing a patent culm-leaf blade, and a tall brownish lacerated ligule which extends into whitish bristly fringes (left); internode on lower culm (center); habit of the plant, which is in an early stage of flowering, 1st March 2017 (right)

Gigantochloa wrayi — new generation 2017

Gigantochloa wrayi (BS-0303): Flowering branch (left); spikelets containing seed (BS-0303A, center); seedlings, the 23rd day after sowing (BS-0303A, right)

Gigantochloa wrayi (BS-0303): Flowering branch

Gigantochloa wrayi (BS-0303A):  Seeds

Gigantochloa wrayi (BS-0303A): Seed bare of husks (top), Germinating seeds, 17th day (bottom)

Gigantochloa wrayi (BS-0303C): 2-year-old seedling