×Thyrsocalamus sp. aff. ×T. liang

×Thyrsocalamus sp. aff. ×Thyrsocalamus liang

BS-0234: Plant at Bambusetum Baan Sammi, photo taken in September 2012 (left), and the mature tall plant at the original location, photo taken in June 2009 (right), both in vegetative growth

BS-0347: Habit of the mature plant at the original location in Dec. 2010 (left), culm-leaf apex, adaxial view, with auricles, ligule, and triangular blade (center), young shoot, with pale hairy culm-leaf sheath and bristly auricles (right)

Bamboo (BS-0234): Flowering plant in March 2017

Bamboo (BS-0234): Flowering branch

Bamboo (BS-0234): Pseudospikelets, the anthers (yellow) with filaments (white, free) pushed out

Bamboo (BS-0347): Flowering branch in an early stage

Bamboo (BS-0347): Plant in the terminal stage of flowering, Feb. 2016

Bamboo (BS-0927): Flowering branch