Gigantochloa sp. (TH: S) 1

Gigantochloa sp.

Gigantochloa sp. (BS-0635): Young shoot with culm-leaves, young culm, foliage-leaves, habit (from left to right)

The outline shape of the culm-leaf sheath of BS-0635 is typically broad parabolic

Gigantochloa sp. (BS-0601): Foliage-leaves (left); young culm with culm-leaf (right)

Gigantochloa sp. (BS-0601A): seeds (top left), germinating seed, 29th day (top right), seedling, several months old (bottom)

Gigantochloa sp. (BS-0601A): A 7-year-old seedling; all the seedlings have not developed any striping on the culms and leaves

Gigantochloa sp. (BS-0601A): A section of a young culm-internode, showing a culm-leaf with blade, ligule, and auricles; upper part of a dried culm-leaf, showing blade, ligule, and auricles in abaxial view; culms of various ages, a young culm in the foreground; habit of the plant, 11 years old (from left to right)