Dendrocalamus sinicus

Dendrocalamus sinicus L. C. Chia & J. L. Sun, Bamboo Res., 1 (1), 1982: 10.

Habit and culms of Dendrocalamus sinicus in Yunnan, China — by courtesy of Lihua Jiang, Yunnan Bamboo, China

The flowering of Dendrocalamus sinicus: Location: Menghai township, Xishuangbanna county, Yunnan, China, Aug. 2013 — by courtesy of Lihua Jiang, Yunnan Bamboo, China

Dendrocalamus sinicus: Culm-leaves (culm sheath apex with sheath blade) and internodes of some basal culms.  Location: Menghai township, Xishuangbanna county, Yunnan, China, Aug. 2003 — by courtesy of Lihua Jiang, Yunnan Bamboo, China

Dendrocalamus sinicusYunnan, straight

Dendrocalamus sinicus (BS-0617): Fertile spikelets (left), culm-leaf in a young shoot (center), dried culm-leaf attached to the culm (right)

Dendrocalamus sinicus (BS-0617): a 5-month-old seedling (left), seeds (right, above), a 22-day-old seedling (right, below)

Dendrocalamus sinicus (BS-0617): Seed, husks partly removed

Dendrocalamus sinicus (BS-0617): Seeds de-husked, laid on moistened tissue paper, 8 Jan. 2012 (left), seed with signs of germination by 20 Jan. (right)

Dendrocalamus sinicus (BT1010): Seeds — by courtesy of คุณธรรมรัตน์ บุญธรรมมี Thammarat Boonthammee, สวนไผ่บุญธรรมมี Boonthammee Bamboo Garden

Dendrocalamus sinicusYunnan, curved

Culms of the curved form of Dendrocalamus sinicus: Location: South China Botanical Garden (SCBG), Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, Sep. 2013 — by courtesy of Lihua Jiang, Yunnan Bamboo, China

Dendrocalamus sinicus 'Dragon Fire'

'Dragon Fire' — by courtesy of Antonio Vega-Rioja