Guadua velutina

Guadua velutina Londoño & L. G. Clark, Nordic J. Bot. 11, 1991: 328.

Guadua velutina (BS-0764): Young culm-leaf

Guadua velutina (BS-0764): seed bare of husks (left), germinating seed, 4th day (center), seedling, 16th day (right) 

Guadua velutina (BS-0764): About one-third of the total quantity of the harvested spikelets (above), about 24 seeds (0.5 g), bare of husks, collected from all the spikelets (below, left), husks (3.1 g) of all the spikelets (below, right) 

Guadua velutina (BS-0764): Seedling, after 7 months