Schizostachyum griffithii

Schizostachyum griffithii (Munro) R. B. Majumdar in S. Karthikeyan & al., Fl. Ind. Enumerat., Monocot., 1989: 281.

    • Synonyms: Teinostachyum griffithii Munro, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 26 (1), 1868: 143; Cephalostachyum griffithii (Munro) Kurz, Prelim. Rep. For. Veg. Pegu, App. B., 1875: 94; Forest Fl. Burma ii, 1877: 566.

    • Thai name: ไผ่บงเลื้อย (phai bong lueai) (Northern); "lueai" translated: wiggle, ramble, crawl, slither, creep, wind. — T. Smitinand, 2001 [#1003]; BKF [#1368].

    • Distribution: THAILAND (North). — MYANMAR. — BANGLADESH. — INDIA (North-East).

    • Descriptions:

    • (1) "Straggling or sub-erect bamboo. Culms erect at first, afterwards drooping, 7.5-15 m long, verticillately branched from the nodes; internodes 45-65 cm long, 1.5-2 cm diameter, scabrous above, walls 5 mm thick. Culm-sheaths 15 cm long or more, 4 cm broad, glabrous and shining below, covered with white appressed hairs above, edges ciliate, margins convolute. Imperfect blade 7.5-10 cm long, reflexed, ovate-acuminate, rounded at the base with a large rounded auricle on either side, auricles and base of blade bristly; ligule short, pubescent. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, 15-25 cm long and 1.7-4 cm broad, glaucous, rounded at the base into a thick wrinkled 5 mm long petiole, cuspidate above with a scabrous point, scabrous on both edges, glabrous on both sides except for clusters of long hairs at the base, mid-rib conspicuous, secondary veins 8-10 pairs, intermediate 7, no transverse veinlets, but occasionally pellucid glands present; sheath striate, keeled, glabrous or appressed, ending in a narrow callus with 2 falcate auricles, fringed with ciliae, 5-10 mm long, ligule short, fringed. …" — K. K. Seethalakshmi & al., Bamboos of India, 1998: p. 245 [#1062].

    • (2) "… Rhizomes short; pachymorph. Culms erect, or arching; 750–1500 cm long; 50–200 mm diam.; woody. Culm-internodes terete; thin-walled; 45–65 cm long; antrorsely scabrous. Lateral branches dendroid. Culm-sheaths 15 cm long; 4 times as long as wide; puberulous; hairy above; with appressed hairs; with white hairs; hairy on margins; auriculate; setose on shoulders; shoulders with curved hairs. Culm-sheath blade ovate; reflexed; 7.5–10 cm long. Leaf-sheaths keeled; striately veined; glabrous on surface, or pubescent; outer margin hairy. Leaf-sheath oral hairs setose; deciduous; 5–10 mm long. Leaf-sheath auricles falcate. Ligule a ciliolate membrane. Leaf-blade base with a brief petiole-like connection to sheath; petiole 0.5 cm long. Leaf-blades lanceolate; 15–25 cm long; 17–40 mm wide. Leaf-blade midrib conspicuous. Leaf-blade venation with 16–20 secondary veins; without cross veins. Leaf-blade margins scabrous. Leaf-blade apex acuminate; antrorsely scabrous. … [flowers and seeds described]." — Kew GrassBase [#1335].

    • (3) J. S. Gamble, Bambuseae Brit. India, 1896: p. 98, as "Teinostachyum griffithii" [#1230].

    • Images: Line drawing in J. S. Gamble, Bambuseae Brit. India, 1896: pl. 86 [#1230]; K. K. Seethalakshmi & al., Bamboos of India, 1998: fig. 83, p. 245 [#1062]. Photo of the type specimen at Kew Herbarium (culm, flowering and leafy branches) [#1333].

    • Uses: Culms for pipes and basketry.