Chimonocalamus elegans

Chimonocalamus elegans Sungkaew & Teerawat., Phytotaxa 302 (1), 2017: 97-100.

    • Thai name: Not recorded.

    • Distribution: THAILAND (North): Nan Province, Doi Phu Kha National Park อุทยานแห่งชาติดอยภูคา, in the understorey of montane forest, ca. 1,600–1,700 m altitude.

    • Description:
      "Arborescent, unarmed bamboo. Rhizomes pachymorph with short necks, forming a dense clump of culms. Culms erect, 2−3 m tall, 0.8−1.2 cm in diameter, glabrous; nodes prominent, glabrous, the basal nodes with a ring of root-thorns that are 2−4 mm long; internodes terete, 10−20 cm long, walls thin, 1−1.5(−2) mm thick (mid-culm portion). Branches developing from the lower quarter or from around the mid-culm upwards. Mid-culm branch complement with 3 sub-equal branches at each node. Culm leaf sheaths 10−17 × 2−3 cm, top shallowly convex to truncate, back covered with sparsely appressed golden-brown hairs, especially at the upper half, margins scarious, apex 3−4 mm wide; culm leaf blades erect to patent, narrowly triangular, 4−6 × 0.15−0.3 cm; auricles absent, oral setae few, 1−1.5 cm long; ligule 4−7 mm long, margin fimbriate. Leaves 3−7 per branchlet; blade with inconspicuous transverse veins, 6−13 × 0.4−0.7 cm, glabrous, occasionally sparsely hairy on nerves, base rounded to acute or attenuate, apex acuminate, pseudo-petiole 0.2−0.5 cm long; leaf sheaths 1.5−3 cm long, glabrous, margins scarious; oral setae 3−7, 3−7 mm long; ligules membraneous, 0.5−1 mm long, margin irregularly toothed. … [flowers described]." — A. Teerawatananon & al., Chimonocalamus elegans, a new temperate woody bamboo species (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) from Doi Phu Kha National Park, Thailand, in Phytotaxa vol. 302 (1), 2017: p. 97-100 [#1315].

    • Images: Line drawing in A. Teerawatananon & al., 2017: p. 98 (fig. 1A-I) [#1315].