0.2 — Preface

This online version of The Bamboos of Thailand is a sequel to the previous draft version, elaborated since 2005, and features an improved layout and content. Over 290 bamboo species have been covered by May 2024, both native and introduced species.

I am very pleased and grateful that this online version was granted permission to be published on the Website of the Center of Academic Excellence in Bamboo (ศูนย์ความเป็นเลิศทางวิชาการด้านไผ่) at Kasetsart University (มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์). I hope that the text and the photographs can contribute to the identification of numerous species based on their vegetative characteristics and that the no less numerous still open identifications of native species as shown herein can soon be addressed by botanists in Thailand.

I wish to express my sincere thanks to the many people from Thailand and abroad who have contributed to The Bamboos of Thailand and supported this project.

Chiang Mai, 21 December 2020, and 18 May 2024

Dieter Ohrnberger (Khun Dieter)