Wire sculpture

For this project, we were asked to create a wire sculpture modeling an object of choice. The object had to be relatively small. My work was made using thick wire, thin wire, and pliers/wire cutters. I was doing a moon that I had. I started by making many circles that I later connected and made a general sphere shape. After connecting the thick circles, I took thin wire and made little connections in each of the sections created by the thick wire. I made all of the connections at the places where the thick wire was connected. I left one section open to put my name in. My project began to evolve once I had covered most of the sections with the little wire and developed a pattern that looked both abstract and organized. Once I had made the finishing adjustments like making sure there wasn’t any wire sticking out, I was finished.

I used shape and form to create a pattern and unity with my wire. I used texture to create an emphasis on the little bumps and craters that my moon had. I used open space to create balance and contrast between the thin and thick wire as well as the black color of the wire and the color created by the open space.

There are no strong ideas evident in my work. The story is that I was looking for an object to do this for this project, not wanting to do my shoe or something lame. Although the moon is just a sphere, it is unique and cool. This relates to my life as I’ve had the moon for a while now. My aunt gave it to me as a present. I am proudest of the thick wire and how that turned out. It was actually really challenging getting it to form into a sphere shape. I also enjoy how the thin wire turned out. I struggled with connections and not overpowering a certain spot with wire. I worked around this by switching where I’d put my connections. I also struggled with the thin wire and applying an even amount of it to the sections I was filling. I was able to work around this and just plan how many pieces of wire I’d put in each section. I also didn’t want to use too much of the thin wire as I was using a lot of it - this was partly the reason why I had a lot of open space. However, like I said before, I like how it looks with the balance of space and wire.