Negative space drawing

To create this piece I used a sharpie, a pencil, and colored pencils. I started by looking at the traced leaves, seeing what came to my mind. I first saw the mushrooms and traced those out. Then I saw the two bird/flamingo heads. After a while of trying to come up with another thing I came up with the checkered pattern which gave it a trippy look. I went over the lines with sharpie to finalize them. Then I added the colors, carefully drawing with the colored pencils and pressing hard when needed.

The colors vary, but I think they flow nicely. This is a more collage-like piece of art that has many elements to it. I used many lines to create visual texture, I used many colors and patterns to create unity. There is some negative space like the two leaves if you can spot them. There's a lot of positive space like the birds or the mushrooms or the checker pattern.

I don’t really have a set story for this one, at first I was going for an Alice and Wonderland vibe but then added some other elements that didn’t fully match that. But it still portrays a wonderland illusion-like world or scene that looks cool. This doesn’t really relate to me but again I thought it was cool. I like the birds and the mushrooms a lot as well as the checkered pattern. Part of me thinks it's a little clustered and I also was stuck at the end because I couldn't think of what to make the final two leaves into so I ended up just continuing the checkered pattern. But overall it flows pretty nicely.