Element of Nature

Artist Statement 

For this project, we were told to make a nature-inspired ceramic. That being earth, wind, fire, or water. I chose to make a sea urchin-inspired pinch pot as I liked their patterns and simplicity. 

During this project, I focused on pattern, texture, size, unity, color, and movement. I wanted there to be a mix of smooth and rough texture, so I added the crator-like engravings. I also wanted to add some dimension and different sizing -- so I added dots, sectioning the pot into four parts. I wanted the pattern to look neat. I was originally going to do it all around the part but ended up liking how it looked with only four of the lines. It was also very time-consuming to make the individual dots. I feel like the even lines also create a sense of unity and cleaners within the piece. I used a white glaze for most of the pot. I've been wanting to experiment with how this would look -- I like the simplicity of it and the glossy look of it. I wanted to add some color though, so the assets of blue look really nice and emphasize the dots. 

Prior to assembling the pot, I spent a lot of time on Pinterest searching for inspiration. While assembling I didn't come across too many challenges. I feel like I usually face the most trial and error when making the bodies of my pots. It takes me a second the get the shape I want -- I'm satisfied with the shape of this pot. I also found the dot-making to be very tedious, however, it was a good way to utilize the time that we had to make this work.