
9" 12"

wrinkled laugh


Artist Statement

For this project, we were to explore our generated inquiries by creating our 14th sustained investigation.  I changed my investigation as just wasn't feeling it with my past one and was running out of ideas. I'm changing my investigation to portraits and exploring with emotion. For this one, I painted my grandpa, Poppy, to show a happy/laughing emotion. I wanted to paint an older person as well so this was a good test to attempt. 

I used acrylic paint on canvas to create this piece. 

For this piece, I wanted to keep working on painting realism. As I said, I wanted to switch it up a bit and paint an older face. This was good as I could focus on capturing things like wrinkles and other things that I might not see on the younger faces I've been painting. I also painted his eyes to look a little more closed as I wanted it to look like he was laughing rather than smiling hard.  I feel I did a good job, however, his neck and face tilt seems a little off when comparing it to the picture. I know this is ok, however, I like when I produce something that looks like the picture and I also think that the angle of the picture could look better if I executed that better.