si #15

Piece of Straw

9"x 12"

Acrylic on canvas

Artist Statement

For this project, we were to explore our generated inquiries by creating our 15th sustained investigation.  I changed my investigation as just wasn't feeling it with my past one and was running out of ideas. I'm changing my investigation to portraits and exploring with emotion. For this one, I painted my friend Eluza who recently moved to a new school. She's one of my best friends and I wanted to do on of her as I have a lot of good memories with her.  

I used acrylic paint on canvas to create this piece. 

For this piece, I wanted to do it in black and white to emphasize the structure, detail, and value of the face.  I also wanted to capture the distortion of this photo. It's taken on a setting called .5. I and all of my friends love it and we've captured a lot of funny pictures with the setting. The eyes, nose, and mouth are always the hardest to paint when I do faces. I had to re-paint them many times. Every time I do a portrait, it seems to look better in person than when I photograph it. I think this may have to do with the angle at which I'm sitting, but I often will prop the photo up to see what it looks like standing up v.s laying on the table.  I'm proud of how this one turned out and I like the simplicity of the black-and-white scale.