Extended blind contour drawing

To create my artwork I used a pencil, a thin sharpie, and multiple markers. I started to lightly sketch and I messed up which later gave me the idea to do the triangle pattern that is presented in my work. I knew that I wanted to do faces so I made both of my hands into faces as well. There were many small lines that I couldn't figure out how to add so I drew the big movie star glasses on all of them. Once I finally got the shapes I wanted after a long time of drawing the little triangles, I started to press down hard with a pencil. After that I used a sharpie to finalize the lines and then added all of the colors with marker.

I wanted to have the same color scheme for all of the faces and I think it worked out nicely. I used various lines throughout my artwork, I used color and line-work to create visual texture. I used multiple colors to create unity. I also used a yellow border and the glasses to harmonize the three faces. The faces are obviously the positive space and the white background is the negative.

In this story, I see three powerful women who all have shades on representing their social status. I was trying to show that some people might seem happy on social media or in public but really feel dull inside. This doesn’t relate to me specifically but it just came into my head when I started to draw the sunglasses. It kind of reminds me of the Kardashians. I like how the faces turned out and I think the colors flow well together. I wish that there weren’t as many lines but in order to make the hands look more like hair on a face I had to draw multiple triangles.