Squiggle Drawings

Squiggle drawing before

Squiggle drawing after

To create my artwork I used a led pencil and multiple colored markers. I sketched lighty, seeing what I liked and didn’t like. I started off drawing a butterfly and it just didn’t look good so I erased and proceeded to sketch out face-like lines. Once I liked the shape of the two faces I drew, I began to draw darkly around them and then after I added color.

I used two lines as faces. I used color and visual texture with the marker. There was a pattern with my colors and a harmony that occurred when they were next to each other. I emphasized the spaces. The faces were the positive space and the white background was the negative space. In my story, I was trying to show that everyone is different but we are all one. The different colors show the difference but the face shape and different colored eyes resembled the similarities deeper down in a person. This relates to my life because I often find myself comparing myself to others when I should be realizing that we are all our own person.

I am proud of the face shape of the two faces as well as how well the colors mixed with each other. I struggled with the face shape, having to draw it many times before I got the lines I liked. Although its not a normal looking face I liked the original squiggled face that I drew first and had a hard time recreating it on the left. But overall I think I did a good job and that it turned out looking cool and unique.