2D Design

Semester 1 Reflection:

I think I've been the most successful with the extended blind contour project, circle project, editorial cartoon, watchamadrawit, donate life design, duck stamp, and sustained investigations. I believe they all look the best. I think I spent the most time on all of them and they have successfully matched the ideas created by the project prompt. I struggled with all of them lol but the ones that didn't come out how I wished were the stars and stripes, beautiful oops, designing abstraction, and the photoshop self-portrait. I'm not saying that they're bad, I just don't love how they came out. For example, the designing abstraction one was good but I don't like the clock and I feel it's just too much/overwhelming. My goals moving forward are to get better at documenting my process/experimentation, to spend more quality time on my art, and to explore more mediums. I struggled a lot with documenting my process because that's not usually how I create my art. I kind of just go with the flow and if I mess up I can paint over it. Additionally, I spend a lot of time on my art however sometimes I find myself procrastinating and rushing some of my work, which is most of the time not ideal if you want it to look finished and good. Lastly, I'd like to explore more mediums even though I like the ones I already use. I really enjoyed this class. It pushed me but also inspired me to be more creative and original.