Photoshop self-portrait




Artist Statement

The main idea in my artwork is just capturing a moment in time. My portrait is pretty boring and I have a mask on but I think it embraces the idea of just a normal moment in class.

I used photoshop to create this piece, different from other pieces. I mainly used color to create an emphasis on certain facial features as well as movement from my face to the background. I used line and color and texture to create unity. I also did the background to create unity. I used texture to create a pattern and balance of the shapes/objects in the background/my face.

I went through many processes developing this piece. I experimented with simply figuring out the basics of photoshop and its tools. Once I got the hang of it I could go faster however this project still took me a long time. Probably the longest out of any. I wanted it to be really detailed, not just 2 or 3 main colors. I also wanted to see how it would look if I colored the background so I did and I think it brought the whole thing together. I often went back and erased something I had done and looked at the original color again which would help me fix it. Or, I would take another color and fix the little mistakes that I had made by going over each section with straight lines. If I were to do this again I might’ve made a different background or done no background at all. Or I would’ve taken another selfie or chosen a more complex and less boring picture to do. Still, this project was a good learning experience and enhanced my abilities to work with my art using photoshop/a computer.