Midterm Circles

Circle mania

9" x 12"

markers, pastels, colored pencil, and ballpoint pens on bristol

Artist Statement

The meaning of this piece is just abstraction and how color can be used to show emotion (happiness). I tried to play with the negative and positive space and kind of cancel out the grid-like look it had.

I used markers, pastels, colored pencils, and ballpoint pens on bristol paper to create this piece. I used color and value to emphasize the circles and negative space. I used shape to create a balance of big and small circles. I used line to create unity with some of the circles.

For this project, I definitely didn't plan out as much. I honestly kind of went with the flow. Once I had made the idea that I wanted to draw the glasses and little circles, the project began to develop. I didn't have to follow a specific guideline and just had fun with it. I practiced my colored pencil abilities and I used pastels for the first time in a while. I experimented with the pastels and circles, thinking of things I could do to make them more interesting.