
For this project, we were asked to paint a copy of the collages we made in class. You didn’t have to make it exactly like the collage but we tried to get the general look of it, with its colors and shapes. I used to paint and a pencil to create my painting. I started by painting the elephant and moved onto the arrows, then the percent sign, the chess pieces, and finally the butterflies. I took a lot of time mixing the paint and applying it. I start with a base and then add additional details once having the base colro. I was going for a more realistic look however that’s pretty impossible unless you have a lot of time. My project began to evolve when I added more details and started to fill in the basis of each spot (butterfly, elephant, etc..)

I used color and value to create a contrast amongst the colors. I used texture to create emphasis and unity throughout the piece. I used space to create a balance of painted shapes and the white background. I used color to create movement from the chess pieces to the elephant.

There’s no specific story in my artwork but I could say that maybe the recycle sign relates to animals in the piece and how we should take care of our earth. My project relates to my life in a less physical way than the actual animals or signs on the piece. I really enjoy painting realistic things despite the time that has to be put in to do that. So this was enjoyable. The percent sign could relate to the math I do in my life which actually takes up a good amount of my time. I’m proudest of the elephant. This took me the longest but I think it looks the best and most realistic/detailed. I think everything actually looks good including the chess pieces, and butterflies however I feel I could have done the butterflies better. I struggled with mixing paints and creating the right colors that matched the collage. I also struggled with the butterflies. I overcame these struggles by going back and fixing things like colors and little mistakes when I was pretty much finished.