Pure Contour Hand Drawing

For this project we were told to put a given rubber elastic anywhere on out hand and draw it. I spent a long time on just deciding where I wanted the elastic and what looked better/didn't. After a little while I decided on the form above. I started off by lightly drawing my hand that I kept in that position for a long time. I tried to make it as accurate as I could. I went very slow but messed up many time. It was hard to make the fingers look right and the sizing of them was also difficult. The angle was another component that made it hard to draw but I strictly went by what I was seeing. I used just pencil. I drew the details/shading after I had finished the outline of the hand. the little lines surprisingly weren't that hard to draw. I drew darker where I saw shadows on my hand like my knuckles.

I used lines, shape, and visual texture to create unity in my artwork. Like I said, the lines and shaping took many tries but I actually like the outcome of them. The visual texture is presented in the little creases on my fingers that I think look pretty realistic. There is a lot of negative space around the hand (the hand is obviously the positive space).

I feel that I did pretty well on this project. It wasn't a very long one but it was fun. I feel that I did well on the detail and shaping of my lines and hand. I feel that i could've maybe taken more time on some parts of the hand but trying to make the fingers all proportional was already challenging so in my opinion, this was a pretty good end result.