Eccentric Teapot 

Artist Statement 

For this project, we were to make a teapot inspired by something more abstract and creative. I chose to create more of a kettle-like teapot. I wanted to emphasize the handle that differs from the usual teapot handles that are smaller or placed on the side of the body.

During this project, I focused on size, unity, color, shape, texture, and proportion. The shape of the actual body fits the handle nicely (proportion and size). The blue accents tie in the whole piece and keep it simple yet elegant. The shape of the whole pot in general looks good and functionable. I wanted the pot to be smooth and clean-looking. I think I achieved that -- the white glaze also adds to this as it looks shiny and neat. 

I had one pot that I took a lot of inspiration from -- as linked above in the slideshow. I knew that I'd have to work on each piece (handle, spout, lid, body) separately and slowly. I started with the body. I was really happy with its shape but found that it was ver thick. To fix this, I simply made a straight cut, carved out some of the clay, and put it back together. Next, I constructed the lid. I wanted it to be smaller and not take away from the shape of the body. Once satisfied with the shape, I made a lip so that it would be secure one placed in the body. I made a big mistake, making the lip a little too big and also offset causing the lid to be stuck to the body once bisk fired. I spent a whole class period just getting it out with files. I then proceeded to glaze the inside of the lid, which didn't allow it to even fit in the body. So, that was a failure, however, I'm still satisfied with how it looks. Finally, I made the side handles and the large arch handle. I found that the little side handles were very helpful when attaching the large handle and made the whole pot more complex and attractive. I like the glazing, however, I wish that I would've taken more time on the lid. I still haven't perfected glazing and always find little things once my pots are glaze-fired that I wish I did differently.