sustained investigation #10

"little smiles"

10" x 10"

Acrylic on canvas

Artist Statement 

For this project, we were to explore our generated inquiries by creating our 10th sustained investigation.  I changed my investigation as just wasn't feeling it with my past one and was running out of ideas. I'm changing my investigation to portraits and exploring with emotion. My inquiry will probably change as I go. 

I used acrylic paint on canvas to create this piece. 

For this piece, I wanted to further my experience with realism and the time that goes into creating realistic pieces.  It's a lot of experimentation with color and value. It's many layers of color and then specific shading and highlighting. Although it takes a while, I enjoy creating these types of pieces. I use reference photos but obviously it doesn't alsways come out identical. I like this as I am doing my own thing sometimes and not constantly looking at the photo. I am (for the first time in a while) really satisfied with this piece and hope to continue my success in my upcoming works.