Three views of a shoe

For this project we were asked to draw three views of one of ours owned shoes. I already knew that I wanted to do my air force ones as they look cool and have many details that I knew would look good. I started off with the side view of the shoe. I sketched lightly and realized quickly that this was going to be harder than I thought. After a while a re-drawing things and getting all of the details onto the shoe I started to draw harder on the places that were darker. I did the front view second. This was also really challenging to make look right but I got a good looking sketch after a little while of drawing. I went slowly, trying to emphasize the details. once I got the sketch I darkened the places that where darker. Finally, I did the top view. This was probably the most challenging as the angle was just kind of weird. I again sketched and re-drew. After a long time I was satisfied with the result and darkened some places.

I used line-work, shaping, and visual texture to create these pieces and form a balance and unity. There is a lot of negative space in all of the drawings around the shoe. I feel that the shaping of the shoes looks pretty good as well as all of the details.

Overall I think I did pretty well. I feel that the line-work, shaping, and visual texture are all very goof and detailed. I don't think I was supposed to shade so thats something I would change. I also feel that the top angle looks a little bit off so maybe I would go back and change that if I were to do it again but I feel that the end result was pretty good.