Donate Life

Small Smiles

12" x 9"

Acrylic paint

Artist Statement

For this project we were to create a design for the donate life organization. I decided to paint a young child (in this case I used a pict ure of my brother for reference) and show the idea of even young kids needing organ and tissue donations.

I used acrylic paint, colored pencils, and pastels to create this piece.

I wanted to emphasize young children being in danger of losing their lives. I wanted to bring forth the message of how powerful a smile can be. I used acrylic on canvas paper to get that precise detail and realism of the child. I made the font of my slogan a kind of summer/groovy font to correlate to the idea of a smile. I also made the word 'smile' yellow to emphasize it. The yellow background, I feel, also correlates with this uplifting and happy idea of a smile and saving a life.