
Man in the Clouds

6" x 6"

Sharpy, fabric, thread, needle

Artist Statement

For this project, we were exploring cyanotypes and embroidery. I wanted to convey a simple, yet detailed embroidery of a man with some clouds in the background.

I used sharpy, cyanotypes, fabric, thread, and a needle to create this piece.

This project took me a very long time. It doesn't look like a whole lot, but it was very time-consuming and challenging to learn how to quickly embroider. Everyone kind of knows how to sew, yet, it was still difficult trying to get the string in the small needle hole and prevent the string from tangling. The string would also run out fairly quickly, so re-attaching a new string became a burden and consumed even more time. In the beginning, I was very slow, messing up a lot and having to backtrack. Yet, as I got going, I got better at it and was able to make up some time that I spent learning how to properly execute the stitch. I tried to work on each individual thing separately (the clouds and person), although, I definitely overlapped some stitches to save some thread. After a lot of trial and error, I was satisfied with the product. I purposely made everything white as it flows well.