Designing Abtraction

Design Matrix

8 1/2" x 11"

Graphite and highlighter on copy paper

Artist Statement

The ideas created in this piece are simply the thoughts of randomness and a perspective of life. The tree kind of represents the cycle/basis of life along with the outlines of the face which are actually where your real tissue/other things are in your face. The clock represents how time plays into life and its value. The un-colored shapes in this work outline some of our senses like taste, audibility, and sight.

I used a pencil, pen, watercolors, and acrylics to create this piece. I used color to create a balance with the face. I used form to create an emphasis on the face and tree. I used shapes to create movement with the checkers. I used lines to create a pattern and unity with the top and bottom of the tree.

For this project, I experimented with my sketches which you can see in the top left corner. I know I wanted to do something abstract with eyes or checkers and specifically a tree and its roots. Checkers and the line pattern were both things represented in my "Design Matrix". When starting the real thing, I still brainstormed and got some inspiration online. I started with the tree and from there, I could generate what else I would be doing with the face. I looked at a real diagram side-view of a face without skin to shape the pattern of the face. I know this might sound kinda crazy, but I just don't love how it turned out. I spent a lot of time on it, and it really does look good, but something about it I don't like. Maybe it's just not similar to these amazing ideas I had in my head but I'm not sure. Part of me wishes I would've done something even more abstract. If I were to change anything I'd probably fill the empty space on the right with either black, more checkers, or more patterns. I also don't like how the clock looks. Lastly, part of me thinks the colors look too bright/saturated. Overall, I liked how I could incorporate my ideas into a piece however, as I said, it didn't come out with the same concepts I had in mind.