Alternate Material

Artist Statement 

For this project, we were told to make a pot that includes an alternate material. This material could consist of rope, glass, flowers, etc..

During this project, I focused on texture, size, unity, color, and emphasis. I wanted to make a simple shape, but add little details that added to the pot as a whole. The pot is a deep circle-shaped one, with a big and open top. I also added little balls around the rim as ut added texture and emphasizes the rim. I had done this little ball design in the beginning of the semester with a smaller pot. Although it's tedious, it looks good and clean. I wanted to have this be a solid color pot as I later added glass on the inside. I chose PC-17 as my glaze. It's a really pretty green color and unifies the whole piece.   

I didn't brainstorm for as long as I usually do with this pot. I prioritized the body and the shape as that's mostly all there is to it. I always have some trouble when getting the right shape I want. I try to look at it from many angles so that I'm satisfied once placing it on the shelf to be bisk fired. I originally was going to add flower petals on the side and solidify them with spray as you can't use glaze to glue them (they would burn in the kiln). I faced a problem when I couldn't find any flower petals at my house or at the school/outside of both. Therefore, I got the idea to do glass as it sounded cool and some of my classmates had already done it. I think the glass came out really well and added to the color and inside of the pot (something I don't usually focus on). All in all, I like how this pot was simple, yet almost professional looking with the melted glass.