“If she be a wall, we will build upon her a palace of silver, and if she be a door, we will inclose her with boards of cedar”, the Shulamite tells how to take care of her weak little sister in verse 9 of Chapter 8 in the Song of Songs. If she were a mere wall of the house, she would be reinforced with a palace of silver. Mere bricks and mortar are not enough to build a strong wall. An outer cover of silver would make the wall so stronger that it would last long because silver is a precious metal, which does not react readily when exposed to water. Silver was used in the construction of Tabernacle (Ex.38: 19). Further, the ugly appearance of the bricks and mortar gets an aesthetic view with a cover of silver. Silver is figurative of God’s word (Ps.12: 6). God’s word is like the silver refined in a furnace. You ought to spiritually strengthen your little sister through the Word of God. Your young sister is spiritually weak because she has not been fed with the milk likened to the God’s word. The pastors and the teachers don’t teach the whole counsel of God or the whole truth to the flocks. They merely teach the doctrines of their own churches which are at variance with the God’s words. Why do the God’s people lack in the spiritual breasts? It is because they don’t know how to sacrificially give to God’s work in mission fields. They are never taught how to spend their time in intercessory prayers.

We should desire that the little sister, the spiritually weak child of God, be the very wall of the House of God. We should not neglect her at all. God chooses the foolish and the weak things of the world to confound the wise and the mighty (I Cor.1:27-28). Dear bride of Christ, you should not desire to become the visible wall. But rather you must wish you little sister to be the beautiful wall and yourself to be the hidden brick or the stone. The spiritually weak people of God ought to be protected from the attacks of the Devil with the God’s Word likened to the refined silver. They are to be taught from the God’s Word as to how they should not fall into the Devil’s temptations. In the House of God, the people of God should be made a strong wall reinforced with His Word.

The Shulamite wants her sister to be inclosed with boards of cedar if she is a door. A spiritually weak believer should not only be made a wall in the House of God but also a door through which many persons of the outside world should enter the House of God. If your little sister has to be a door in the Kingdom of Christ, it is your duty to inclose her with boards of cedar. You are responsible to mould and train her as an evangelist. A door of the house is to be so attractive that the passers-by are enticed to enter the house. A door covered with cedar board becomes very strong so that the Devil may not enter the House of God through false doctrines. The boards of cedar spiritually mean the sound, prophetic teaching of the Word. A spiritually weak believer needs the prophetic teaching so as to become a strong door in the house of God. Prophets of the five-fold ministry under the New Testament are the cedar trees grown in the Garden of God.