“A garden inclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed”, the bridegroom admires the holiness of his bride in verse 12 of Chapter 4 in the Song of Songs.Dear bride, you are a garden inclosed by the Holy Spirit. If you are in the snare of the Devil, the tempter, being enticed by the sin, yet you are a garden inclosed by the Holy Spirit. The object of temptation may enter the enclosure if God so allows. At times, being enticed by the sin, you may go out of the enclosure on your own. If you meet such a situation in your life, confess through your mouth “ I am a garden enclosed by God”. You are also a spring shut up by the Holy Spirit. Nobody can drain the water of holiness from your personal life unless you allow it. You are a holy people chosen by the holy God for Himself only. No agent of the Devil can conquer you with the weapon of temptation. Your spring is shut up to the world and you are a fountain sealed by the Holy Spirit. Nobody can drink of this fountain. If anybody tempts you, confess through your mouth, “I am a spring shut up, a fountain sealed.”

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