“I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine: he feedeth among the lilies”, tells the Shulamite to the daughters of Jerusalem in verse 3 of Chapter 6 in the Song of Songs. I am my Beloved’s! You are of Jesus alone. You are His ambassador. And as such you should represent Jesus alone, though you may belong to any church or organization. My beloved is mine! Jesus is not of any particular church or of any sectarian Christian group or of the so-called Christian religion, though such of them may claim to be privy to Him. No corporate body can appropriate Jesus for itself alone because salvation is individual, and not corporal. Here, the bride in the Song of Songs does not tell the daughters of Jerusalem, “He is ours”. Nowadays, there are multitudes that appropriate the salvation through Jesus but hardly appropriate Jesus personally and individually. In other words, none of them would say, “Jesus is mine”, but may claim: “The salvation by Jesus is mine. The gifts of the Spirit are mine. The divine healing is mine”. They lack in the knowledge about the personality of Christ Jesus Who is indwelling them. They don’t know Who He is. How true is prophecy of Hosea “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”! (Hos. 4:6).

He feedeth among the lilies. The disciples of Jesus are the lilies of the valleys, growing in obscure and deep places, unknown to the outside world. When such disciples of Jesus as would humble themselves before God and man and would consider themselves as insignificant as the lilies of the valleys, assemble together for worship or witnessing, Jesus is indeed in their midst and feeds among them. His great longing for human fellowship is fulfilled and the desire of His heart satisfied in them as He manifests His glory in their midst and shares the same with them.