“Until the day break and the shadows flee away, turn, my beloved, and be thou like a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of Bether” cries the bride unto her absent bridegroom in verse 17 of Chapter 2 in the Song of Songs. The bridegroom has temporarily withdrawn his presence from the bride. She is not able to feel his presence. The night is at hand. Bether spiritually means “separation”. Being affrighted of the fast approaching night, she entreats her beloved who has gone over the other side of “the mountains of Bether” which separate them, to return to her before the day breaks and the shadows flee away. She desires him to be as swift as a roe or a young hart. At times, you may not feel the presence of God because mountain-like-insurmountable problems or temptations assail you. And you would only see the mountains everywhere. Your despondent heart may fail you. You may be tossed here and there due to the severity of the problems or the temptations. Oh, you hardly feel His presence, wondering whether Jesus has really forsaken you. Your fear about tomorrow casts a shadow of darkness around you, and you are in the grip of fear. The cloud of darkness is about to overshadow you. Your faith in Him becomes almost dead. O beloved bride, why can’t your eyes of faith stretch a little far behind the mountains? Your beloved Shepherd is waiting anxiously on the other side of the mountains, hearing your heart cries and even your heart beats.

His lofty love jumps high over the mountains, however tall these may be. His arrow like love penetrates the rocky mountains, however tall these may be. Corrie Ten Bom of Holland was imprisoned along with her father and her sister in the Nazis’ concentration camps during the Second World War just because they sheltered the persecuted Jews in their house. She subsequently lost her father and sister in the prisons. Oh, the prison walls and the pangs of separation from her kiths and kins stood like the mountains of despair and despondency, making her doubt the very existence of God. But the arrow-like-love of Jesus penetrated these rocky mountains and reached her in her solitude.

The Bridegroom, though hearing your heart cries and heartbeats, wants you to open your mouth and to call unto him. Dear bride, don’t be disheartened over the constant existence of mountains in your life today. Tomorrow these mountains will surely melt away. Notwithstanding such mountains, you must rejoice over the fact that your Shepherd is hearing all your heart cries and heartbeats and that His omnipotent and penetrating love is reaching you. You must crave His presence before the daybreak. On hearing your call of distress, He would make you feel His presence before the onset of the dreaded night. You would feel His abiding presence as He manifests His glory through the Word. His Word would drive away the clouds of darkness caused by your fear and unfaith.