“And the roof of thy mouth like the best wine for my beloved, that goeth down sweetly, causing the lips of those that are asleep to speak”, the Shulamite now interrupts and adores the mouth of her beloved in verse 9 of Chapter 7 in the Song of Songs. Through the roof of the mouth, the words proceed. The words of Jesus have the healing touch for the weary. It makes the weary cheerful. It is like the best wine which you preserve for your beloved guests – the wine, and that too, the best wine which one preserves for his/her beloved. Jesus preserved the best wine for the beloved guests of the marriage of Cana at the end (John 2:10). The words of Jesus are like the wine of a superior quality, which goes down smoothly and moves gently the lips of sleepers. The divine Author does not use any other words to deduce that the wine intoxicates the drinker and causes him to lose his consciousness and to blab. Instead, He uses the words, “causing the lips of those that are asleep to speak”. Jesus gives us the right word in the right time. His counsels through the Written Word are like the best wine. People of this world rush to astrologers or yogis for the so-called divine revelations or counsels. They don’t go to the One Who is the Alpha and Omega (the Beginning and the End); Who is the Wisdom of God.