“My beloved is like a roe or a young hart. Behold, he standeth behind our wall, he looketh forth at the windows, showing himself through the lattice” says the bride in verse 9 of Chapter 2 in the Song of Songs. Jesus, your Shepherd, is like a roe or a young heart. He is meek and gentle. He also looks innocent because He has no grudge or prejudice whatsoever against you on account of your past life. He has not only forgiven all your sins and iniquities but has also forgotten the same. As such, I am not wrong in saying He is innocent and harmless like a roe or a young hart. He is not like a lion to execute judgment on you for your wrongdoings. Had He wanted to execute judgment, He would have judged you long ago. Behold, He standeth behind our wall – a wall that has since been erupted by our sins and iniquities. He still does not go away but stands there, notwithstanding the wall in between, and looking forth at the windows, showing Himself through the lattice.

As a Good Shepherd, He would not force His entry either through the windows or by climbing up some other way (Jn.10: 1). He tarries there, behind the wall, simply looking at the windows probably with a great longing that at last one day the gates will lift up their heads and will receive the King of glory because of His long tarrying (Ps.24: 7-10). The bride is not in a position to comprehend the longing of her Beloved, and does not open the door for Him. He is thus made to tarry behind the wall.

The beloved Shepherd does not only tarry and look at the windows but He also shows Himself through the lattice so that you can still see and hear Him, the wall notwithstanding. Oh, what an incomprehensible love!

Dearly beloved of Christ, you can still see and hear your Bridegroom through the lattice. There is a lattice in your life by which the Lord wants to commune with you and to strengthen your inner man. The grace of God is still available to you. You can still be victorious. Through this lattice, you can get the power of God. Nobody, even the Devil, can shut this lattice, which is purely a personal communion between the Bridegroom and the bride. Probably you don’t want to see Him through the lattice because the daughters of Jerusalem, that is the children of God around you, had scorned you or because you thought Jesus had forsaken you forever. Though you are reluctant to look at Him through the lattice, He is still standing there, and showing Himself to you through the lattice.

Next.....MY FAIR ONE!