“What is thy beloved more than another beloved, O thou fairest among women? What is thy beloved more than another beloved, that thou dost so charge us?” the daughters of Jerusalem respond to the request of the bride in verse 9 of Chapter 5 in the Song of Songs. The daughters of Jerusalem wonder about that marvelous person whom the shepherd girl seeks. They wonder if he is fairer than and superior to another beloved. The daughters of Jerusalem have not really found the marvelous person whom the Shulamite looks for. In the preceding verse, she asks them to tell him about her love if they find him. They might have known him to some extent. They might not have known him fully as the Shulamite does. To the Shulamite, he is superior to and fairer than any other person whom she loves in the world. The daughters address her ‘O thou fairest among women.’ What a testimony about her! Though she confesses in Chapter 1 that she is dark, and asks the daughters of Jerusalem not to look upon her, the same daughters of Jerusalem testify to her fairness here.

Similarly, the children of God surrounding you may not have known fully the One you look for. On seeing your wholehearted devotion to the One whom you love more than any other person in the world, they may wonder whether that Person is more than “another beloved”. Though they have not found and known Him fully, they have discovered your inner beauty through their spiritual eyes. The Christ you seek is more than any other person in the world whom you love.